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We vergulden uw gegevens niet. Beloofd.
The company mentioned in the imprint (hereinafter: "We") is the operator of this online offer and the responsible officer for the collection, processing and use of personal data of users of the online offer within the meaning of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). We take the protection of your privacy and your private data very serious. We collect, process and use your personal data in accordance with the content of this privacy statement and the applicable German data protection laws, in particular the BDSG and the Telemedia Act (TMG).
With this privacy statement we would like to inform you which personal data we collect, process and use.
Personal data is individual information about your personal or factual circumstances. This includes all information about your identity, such as your name, e-mail address or postal address. In contrast, information that can not be linked to your identity (such as the number of online users) does not count as personally identifiable information.
You can use our online offer without disclosure of your identity and without providing personal data. For some of the offered services, personal data need to be collected. The data are collected and used by us only for the purpose of using this online offer, in particular for providing the desired information.
Your information will be stored on specially protected servers. These are protected by technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or dissemination of by unauthorized persons. Access to your data is only possible for a few authorized persons. These are responsible for the technical, commercial or editorial support of the servers. Despite regular checks, full protection against all dangers is not possible.
Your personal data is encrypted and transmitted by the Internet. We use SSL encryption (Secure Socket Layer) for data transmission.
In principle, we use your personal information only for the fulfillment of your desired services. Insofar as external service providers are used by us as part of the provision of services, their access to the data is also exclusively for the purpose of providing services. Through technical and organizational measures, we ensure compliance with data protection regulations and also commit our external service providers to this.
Furthermore, we do not pass the data to third parties without your explicit consent, in particular for advertising purposes. A transfer of your personal data takes place, if you have consented to the data transfer or if we are entitled or obliged to do so, due to legal provisions and / or official or court orders. This may be the provision of information for law enforcement purposes, security or enforcement of intellectual property rights.
The payment processing for bookings is made by the involvement of a service provider. In this case, a transfer of your personal data to or by the respective service provider is required for your booking.
With each access of our online services, we collect the following information about your computer, regardless of your registration: the IP address of your computer, the request of your browser and the time of this request. In addition, the status and the amount of transferred data are recorded as part of this request. We also collect product and version information about the used browser and the operating system of the computer. We keep track, from which website one accessed the online offer. The IP address of your computer is stored only for the time of use of the online offer and then deleted or anonymized by shortening. The remaining data is stored for a limited period of time.
We use this data for the operation of the online offer, in particular to detect and eliminate errors, to determine the utilization of the online offer and to make adjustments or improvements.
For our online offer - as on many websites - cookies are used. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and store certain settings and data for exchange with the online offer from us, via your browser. A cookie usually contains the name of the domain from which the cookie file was sent, as well as information about the age of the cookie and an alphanumeric identifier.
Cookies enable us to recognize the computer and to make presetting immediately available. Cookies help us to improve the online offer and offer a better and more personalized service. For this purpose, we use cookies that are automatically deleted after the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies), as well as cookies that are stored on your computer over a longer period of time. In case you are logged in and select "Stay signed in", a cookie with encrypted code will be stored on your computer and will be retained at the end of the browser session to log you in automatically next time you visit our web pages.
Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. However, you can disable the storage of cookies or set your browser to notify you when cookies are sent. Please note that you may be limited or unable to use our online service if you refuse to store cookies.
This real estate website uses Userlike, a live chat software provided by Userlike UG. Userlike uses cookies, enabling you to have personal real-time support chats on REALPORTICO. The data collected will not be used to identify a visitor personally and neither will it be aggregated with any personal data of this user. For more details, please visit our Privacy Policy page.
On some pages you will be offered to receive an e-mail notification or a newsletter. If you would like to use this service, we need your email address. It will only be used for shipping of the newsletter and not passed on to third parties or made accessible in any form.
The consent given to us to save the email is made by entering your email and clicking on "Send". You can call them back at any time in the emails we have received. A link to this effect is available in every email. If you use this function, your email address will be irrevocably deleted from our database.
If you are a customer or registered user on REALPORTICO, your email address will remain in our system.
As far as you would like to use the contact form in our online offer, personal data such as name and e-mail address are requested. We collect and use the data transmitted via the contact form exclusively for the purpose of being able to answer your inquiry or your request.
After processing the matter, your submitted data will be stored. A deletion of the data can be requested at any time.
Our online offer contains links to other websites. These links are usually marked as such. We have no influence on the extent to which the linked websites comply with the applicable data protection regulations. We recommend that you also inform other websites about the respective privacy statements.
We offer you the opportunity to contact sellers via messenger services such as WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal, provided they have provided the necessary details and agreed to be contacted through the respective service. When you click on such a link, you will be redirected directly to the corresponding app or website of the service. No additional personal data will be processed or stored on our platform.
Please note: Once you use this contact option, the privacy policies of the respective service provider apply.
You have a right to information about your stored data and, if necessary, a right of correction, blocking or deletion of the data. For this contact the company indicated in the imprint. We point out that a deletion of your data is final and they are not kept internally. We can not undo this process.
For further information about our handling of personal data please contact the company:
Steffen Seibel
Kaiserstr. 1
76846 Hauenstein, Duitsland
Vast: +49 6392 4090171
E-mailadres: info@realportico.com
The status of the privacy statement is indicated by the date (below). We reserve the right to change this Privacy statement at any time with future effect. A current version is available directly by the online offer. Please check the online offer regularly and find out about the current privacy statement.