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Yes, but not automatically. Many industry providers integrate automatic access to various real estate and classified ad portals. Since REALPORTICO does not have partnerships with other portals or software manufacturers, the transfer of real estate listings must be set up manually or requested from your provider.
If you are interested in a REALPORTICO partnership and are using a system that is not yet listed, please send us a technical specification describing how your system sends real estate data or makes it available for external access. You can request this specification directly from your software provider. We will review the implementation and typically make it available within 5 to 7 business days.
Additionally, we also offer an integration for agencies using in-house software. A one-time fee applies for custom interfaces, which varies depending on the technical implementation and effort involved.
Using the software transfer options listed here requires a business account. If you are an agency or commercial provider without an account, you can create a free account here. Private sellers only have access to the manual listing entry through the portal.
All necessary information and access credentials, depending on the transfer option you choose, can be found in your personal account. There, you can also select the software you are using or the desired transfer format from a dropdown list.
The processing and publication of properties can vary depending on the software used, the number of listings, and our internal capacities. In general, most properties are online within an hour of transfer. In some cases, it may take longer as updates are made at set intervals.
Each property is automatically optimized by our system before publication. This is particularly useful if you present properties on multiple portals, ensuring that the publication on REALPORTICO remains as unique as possible. This includes, for example, adding translations if they are not provided, as well as intelligently assigning special attributes that are important for historical properties but may not be captured by every software.
Therefore, if you want to reach a global audience in addition to buyers from UK, such as potential buyers from the USA, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, or other European countries – REALPORTICO offers you a significant advantage. This is especially relevant for the sale of historical properties, as most integrated portals are aimed at regional audiences and general properties.
On REALPORTICO, we can only publish historic properties for sale in Europe with special value or size. This includes properties commonly known as castles, manors, country houses, historic villas, listed properties of special significance, or generally as historic sites with distinctive features, such as large grounds.
Other properties built before 1945, which are considered "simple residential buildings," have little demand on our platform, as this offer is too broad and is already sufficiently covered by other portals.
Listings that do not fit into any of the above categories, as well as rental properties, will not be considered during import.
Every historic property deserves a dignified presentation, regardless of location, price, and condition. Therefore, ensure a high-quality presentation with meaningful media and sufficient text, as both are crucial for good visibility.
Top Offer!!!in titles, as well as frequently used buzzwords like
Unique. These have no impact on discoverability or search intent.
for saleor
to sellin the listing title. We will ensure your listing is recognized as such.
In this section, you will find an overview of the currently supported systems and formats. These can be used directly without additional costs after initial setup.
APIMO is a real estate software provided by the French company apiwork, primarily used in France, the Benelux countries, and Italy. As an APIMO customer, you can easily transfer your listings to the REALPORTICO portal.
APIMOunder FTP Access and API Settings in your Account.
OpenImmo XML is the most common transfer standard in German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, although modern APIs are becoming increasingly widespread. Property listings are transferred as XML files via FTP or FTPS to portals. Most real estate software solutions, such as onOffice, Flowfact, and Propstack, support this standard.
OpenImmo XMLformat in your REALPORTICO Account.
ASARI is the most widely used real estate software in Poland. The transfer is done via FTP with XML files. A detailed guide for configuring the real estate export can be found here (in Polish): ASARI Real Estate Export for the REALPORTICO Portal.
EstiCRM is another widely used online real estate software in Poland. The transfer is also done via FTP with a custom XML specification.
realportico.plin EstiCRM for real estate export with the REALPORTICO access credentials.
We are currently working on supporting additional systems listed below and will keep you updated on the progress here (as of februari 2025).
IMMOFACILE is another real estate software in France. Real estate listings are provided via an API in the XML format known as IMMOFACILE AC3.
Ubiflow is a versatile interface that is compatible with many systems, CMS, and transmission methods used in France. Agencies transmit their data from the respective software to Ubiflow, from where it is published on various portals or social media.
For agencies wishing to publish real estate listings on REALPORTICO via Ubiflow, additional costs will apply.
Hektor is a CMS for independent real estate agencies, also widely used in France. Real estate data transmission to portals is done via an XML feed. To integrate with REALPORTICO, users must request additional API access. Depending on the contract, additional costs may apply.
Agencies that do not use specific real estate software but still wish to publish multiple property listings on our portal can use the option of automatically retrieving properties from publicly accessible sources, such as their own website. A one-time setup fee applies for this option.
Please note that the data is not synchronized in real-time, which may lead to delays of up to 24 hours. In urgent cases – for example, if listings need to be removed immediately – additional manual steps are required.